Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2009 Boards - Shark Banana!

Did you know that sharks like bananas? That's right. Sharks. ADORE. Bananas. That's a shocking fact too, isn't it - I know you'll agree. Sharks. Like. Bananas. Scientists are still coming to grips with this revelation.


However, because we here at Heresy HQ came to grips with this fact years ago, it is also now totally incredible; because using ultra-secret Soviet technology, we have managed to couple a Shark's love of bananas with snowboards, to create THE MOST AMAZING snowboard experience*. (and THAT was a REALLY long sentence). What an amazing coincidence, you say? Why, not really.

Splicing shark-banana-love with a snowboard has long been one of our secret ambitions and now that we have succeeded, tweak times will ensue. We have taken our Shark/Amaze and made a Banana (reverse camber) board. All of which makes us at least as cool, if not COOLER, than the good folks at Mervin. Why?? Because our boards are manufactured in the USA, not "Manufactured near the US in Canada" which is clearly treasonous and I for one hope Obama will address this in his speech. Mervin - you're on notice. We are onto you and your nefarious ways.

There is however, one minor difference between ours and Mervin's boards. We have increased the tweak factor by 10% by doing some secret stuff to make it even jibbier and parkier which we know you will agree is Pretty Darn Enterprising of us. We also don't have Danny Kass riding for us, which could be a negative or positive depending if you're the marketing manager or finance director.

If you go here you can download the pdf which describes levels of amazingness that are heretofore (...come on!) unknown.

In other news:
- we will have a "We Love the Earth"-type tshirt up soon. Except I promise it will be Very Cool.
- Obama's speech WILL be Amazing

-- 54,654 agree: this was an entertaining post.

* No guarantee made as to the amazingness.

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