Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 5 - Red Mountain

YES! We had our rad (or "red"/"rid" if you're from New Zulland) crew for a road trip in the Heresy Mobile (and El Saab; Mons' shred car) to Red Mountain. Red is about an hour from Nelson, on the road to the USA border and also across towards Vancouver - the 3A West I think. I will henceforth refer to Red Mountain as Rad Mountain, Shred Mountain or Shrad Mountain. Crew was, El Tim, Mr Pack, Fabulous Cheeky Geezer Phil Pharkin, The Chillaxed Mons, The Pumped-on-life Dallas R, Tara and Alexandra from Niew Zulland. Choice Bro eh! All photos by Tim unless stated.
Below: Phil and Tara

Sweet hire car; pre-stickering

Hire car, becoming more rad.

Mons checking out our sweet ride. Good photo by Alex.

Next three photos by Alex; the first (self portrait of her finger) is actually sweet-as, but Alex (very gorgeous girl from Niew Zulland) reckons it's not. Luckily, I'm right and she's wrong. Sweet-as photo. Choice. Next is of moi driving. The third is Phil, looking a little cheeeeeky. "Ooooh, I need a moofin. A cheeky moofin. Oooh, you cheeky Doris, taking my photo."

Mons and Dallas; photos by me.

Dallas through El Saab sunroof.

Packy loves his GMC minivan. Cheeky!

Mons and Dallas being cheeky.

Everyone loves Heresy. Dallas loves sticker slapping. Red Mt didn't want to give Packy free Red stickers. You can see him coming out of the office. He is looking for a molotov. Angry man is Josh.

Uh-oh. A hut. The hut's roof. What could this mean?

Acid drops. In order; Dallas, Packy (photos:, Tim (photo:Packrat).

Just some scenery shots...

There was about 5cm of fresh snow at Red. We got on-snow about 10AM, so we missed first tracks but there was fresh pow stashes everywhere. The groomers were awesome fun. Light, dry carving. The next two photos attest to this. Just after I reeled these off, I got a face and lense full of snow. Down my back, down my pants - everywhere. Dallas was sorry, but Packy was busy trying not to axe me after he had a brain fade and decided to suicide slide at me.

This was an 8ft drop to flat. It was pretty gnarly. Packy indy-ing it up.

We think this is an old logging mill.

A first drop, without breaking anything, leads to this...

...a broken wrist. Yep. Really funny.

Tim on hut roof. Photo: Packy

Dallas launching, Tim laughing...because whilst towing Dallas in, I stood on his tail and completely burnt his run in = Dallas-face-plant...

Tim laughing at Dallas' face plant.

Packy smashing the wall

Packy C-box

Park Entrance - helmets stated compulsory, optional for us (they were at home)

Tim time, higher

WACK steez. Skinny cyclist legs. Next time, no leaving gangster pants at home. Style - it's critical.

This is Heidi. Tim was blown away by her smile and sparkly eyes at first sighting by her smile, so we decided biggest smile from each resort goes on here.

Tim and Alex

Awesome photo of Alex by Pack.

El Pack/Alex

Tim tired, photo Pack

Copper smelter - more on this later
Been in hospital for 3 hours. Alex started doing wheelchair burnouts - I'll add a Photoshop sequence of a sweet burnout later...

Tim, photo Pack

Pack, photo Alex

We got bored. Alex is a bad, bad influence.

I'll add more text around this later, including around the copper smelter and the drive home and the status of Tara. We're a day behind sorry. It's Day 6 now, and I'll try and get this updated tomorrow. Sorry Packy's mum for getting you worried. Shout out to Alexandria. Packy misses you. He won't shut up about how rad you are (it's making me blergh). Haha.

------ POST SCRIPT ------
Dallas took Tara down to get her arm checked out. She seemed in real pain but took it like a trooper. Not a word of complaint, no tears, no faces. Awesome.
The medical centre (no charge, take note Australia resorts) recommended a trip to Trail emergency for an x-ray, so Phil and Mons took off and we headed into Trail.

We dropped Tara and Dallas off and went and did a Macca's run to feed them.
We sat in emergency for 4 hours - Tara fractured her wrist. The drive home was gnarly. Terrible road markings and night time.

Anyway, we got home safely, nothing was open for dinner, so we ended up at Dallas and Phil's place (me bearing Bacardi, a bit cheeky according to Phil), and everyone got stuck into the boxes of product, and I somehow ended up with 'orrible poutine at 12AM for dinner and Packy meanwhile had most delicious tasting spaghetti.

1 comment:

Tim's Mum said...

Looks like the optium or is that opium holoday. Get off the roof. Yes gorgeous smile on that one. Wall ride? Gosh...I am on a learning curve, don't think i will look any more. See you Oz side. Enjoy. Bye...Mumi