Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 3 - post script

Here are a couple of photos we rescued from Josh's point-and-shoot. Well, the very helpful dudes at the local camera shop (one who lived 5 mins from me in Brighton for 4 years) did.


This is obviously the WORST Photoshop image improvement EVER. Mainly as I can't be bothered. Josh took this. He needs practice. This is me in the back of Mons' rad CAN$400 Saab that has a rad sound system - mp3 player and CAN$7.50 speaker system from the dollar store that shreds over any high-falootin' Bose system I've seen. The back seat was down so I pretended I had a seat belt. Then I fell asleep. Luckily Mons is a good driver. The food at Whitewater is awesome. I paid CAN$8.25 for the best vege lasagne I have ever had, EVER. And the crispy and oh-so-cheesy top reminded me of nan's lasagne. The bean salad was awesome too. They had tofu stuff, curries, and all CHEAP. Whatever the Australian foodhalls think they're doing, they're doing it wrong. Retail pillage is not cool. Now, all I need is a cool 100k to open up a wholesone lunch/brekky + rad coffee place in Falls and Hotham for everyone.

Tim laying it out. This was a super fun day - about 3-5 cm fresh snow on top of the groomers and in the trees, and steep runs, meant super quick slashing on steeps. Good times.

Didn't take long. Heresy goes well with Nelson. Everyone is loving it. It's like a Canadian Falls Creek. Everyone at Phil and Dallas' house has stickers on their laptops, helmets, drink bottles...Dallas hasn't taken his 2008 green hoody off (sorry mum, will get you anothery).

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