Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 2 - sleep, more coffee

Well, Joshy and Fabulous Phil the Sheffield gypsy made me go to Mike's Bar - a thoroughly awesome bar where the local brew, Old Nelson Ale, is only CAN$4.50 a pint. Yes. A pint. No more buying $90 of Heineken Corp shares at The Man for me. My local salmon burger, with sweet potatoe fries (yes, sweet potatoe), was incredible.

The food could not be more atypical of the American diet. No fast food chains here (except Subway, perhaps the lesser of all FF evils) - Maccas have tried, and they are repeatedly denied.

The supermarket is just like home - nuts, fruit, veg, organic food. Unlike American places, where you have to go to a specialist organic place of Farmer's Market. The only touches of American super-consumerism are present through the ubiqitous Coke etc, and Reese's peanut butter cups (delicious). No Clif bars yet Craig (will get some if I see them).

Anyway, the night was long, and very, very funny - as it always is when an hilarious Britishman is involved. No rambling 5 minute voicemails to Michael in a Sooth Effrican accent about tomorrow's Safari booking he has was a let down, but you get that. More photos to follow (don't be angry mum, I had nothing to do with this).

Josh slept for 15 hours, I got 9. Organic mushrooms, coffee, eggs and spinach and photos. Phil although telling me he wasn't riding, and knowing we needed a lift, is in big trouble when I get there soon, because he ended up in WH20.

Below are some photos, poor composition as I had too long a lense and have done no Matt B-esque Photoshop work (read; cheating) so please enjoy.

Vernon St, front of the White House, where we're staying. Lines, lines, lines. Let your eyes wander.

Lucky these weren't Nikes, or Hayree ( would be having kittens.
Probably limited edition, maroon and grey woolen Nike kittens. Hahah.

I took this without realising there were more shoes hanging in the lines. These crazy Canucks (Canucks won last night 4-1 against Red Wings, Kessler on fire, the lucky Hayree, Mexi, Trent and Darryl [spelling Hayley?] were lucky enough to be NHL-ing it up).

This composition doesn't adequately capture what my eyes saw, but gives enough. Powder lines (oops Freudian slip), down the laneways.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Top marks on the spelling. If those shoes were limited Nikes, I'd climb up and get them myself.