Monday, January 12, 2009

Change We Can Believe In™

So, I got a little angry - the environmental picture is getting worse and worse. This went out to our Heresy 3degrees Facebook Group.

Well, goddammnit, I am sick of admirable sentiment but freaking inaction.
Hi everyone.

Well, what a shocking state we find ourselves in. Finally, the world is starting to notice that we are in deep, deep trouble.

Finally, we are being called to account and we are getting desperate - (link).
The human is the only being on Earth that exists to consume what it does not need. We therefore have an obligation to minimise our footprint.

Anyone sitting back in apathy waiting for Big Business to drive change is living in La-La-Land.

It WILL NOT HAPPEN (in time).

Change We Can Believe In™ will only, WILL ONLY, occur if we agitate for change. From the ground up. Populism is the rule of the day.

So here we are boys and girls. It's possible we've passed the tipping point.
The Arctic Ice Canary looks like it might have died, and things could be about to get worse (Link and Link 2).
So, what do we do. Shrug our shoulders? Or do we harden up and DEMAND change (capital letters means I am ANGRY).

I am delighted you're in this group. Your sentiment is admirable, but it all comes to absolutely nothing if you don't act.

This Planet will only survive with the right team on the bus, so you now have to make a decision. Are you on the bus? Do you want to leave a habitable planet to your kids, or is it too hard to act. If it's the latter, ask yourself why you joined this group. We don't want the wrong team on the bus. We only want can-do, passionate, caring humans on this team.

We challenge you: what are you DOING to help this Earth? What are you doing to effect CHANGE; are you joining just Facebook groups and gaining a warm, glowing feeling? Maybe posting a few "yeah man, we gotta change!" type posts?
Or are you, like us at Heresy (I swear we are not being high and mighty - we just really, really care), getting angrier and angrier and actually doing something - screaming from the rooftops to anyone who will listen that we must act. Raising money. Attacking demand side carbon emissions. Engaging apathetic people. Imploring people to get interested.

This is your defining moment: you can be one of the lemming consumption monsters helping drive us off the cliff, or you can be an agent for enduring change. This is a defining moment in human history.

This is not just about saving the snow anymore. 3 degrees is a flashpoint for confluent events: vastly elevated snow lines (= bad skiing/boarding) and also the point at which scientists are saying we're in serious trouble.

If you want to do something, we at Heresy want you to:
- Demand your friends who are also concerned join this group
- Join our mailing list (Heresy mailing list) to stay in touch with current local fundraisers which are predominantly for the environment
- Support brands that are really trying to effect change (e.g. Vans, AirBlaster etc)
- Send us an email and tell us how and what you're doing - we will publish your exploits on our site (along with a photo if you want) - stand up and be counted and accountable
- Follow any of the numerous lists that tell you how to make a difference (things like turning your light and computers off, especially at work, really, really work)

We want to know where you stand. We want you on our team.

This is not a marketing exercise. This is not about us giving stuff out or giving you props (but we will anyway). We don't care about that. NO-ONE deserves props for this.
This is about your obligation to help fix this Planet. We don't have the right to bargain away this Earth - it's the only one we know about. And we are the only beings capable of saving it. We're breaking this amazing place; we now MUST fix it. We will be judged by our actions now.

So where do you stand. Hop off the fence and start acting.

Thanks for reading!
Tim M @ Heresy HQ
(and you thought this would be another Facebook group that didn't actually do anything).

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