Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Israel Vs Palestine: A Study in WTF?

Ok, so we go on about the environment a LOT. Why? Because we fricking care. Deeply.

Normally, we'd (by "we'd", I mean, "I - Tim, Heresy Founder") steer clear of something like this, but seeing as I run this damn site, I can do what I want. So read on, don't get angry, have a think. Do some reading. This carry on has gone on too long. I posted this as I care about other humans.

I'm not going to go into the many years of history between Palestinians and Israelis/Jews (many people, who know a LOT more than I, can go on about this) but watching the news tonight...for eff's sakes. Seriously guys? Seriously?

I was struck by the stupidity and futility of the current Israeli offensive (officially in reprisal for Hamas' breaking the truce by launching mortar attacks), so much so I'd like to say:
1. Hamas are really, really dumb for either launching rockets at Israel, or allowing militants to do so. Hamas, Israel is armed to the teeth. Here is a nation/tribe of people prepared to fight to the death for their patch. They don't have anywhere else. Deal with it. Root out the baddies and deal with them. Or else accept the fact Israel will exist and broker a deal.
2. Israel is really, really, REALLY dumb for killing (so far) around 300 people (unknown innocent civilians, my guess is a large portion of those) in Palestine. No doubt Mossad has super good intel, but come on. You can't shoot airborne armaments into a REALLY densely populated area and not expect innocent deaths.
3. Israel is super dumb if they think they can do this and it won't piss a LOT of Palestinians off (hint: what does that do for Palestinian kids' perceptions of Israel? "Hey, I'll blow some up, no big deal. They killed my whole family. Eye for an eye and all that Old Testament stuff". Sounds wild right? All aboard the mutually assured destruction express! Woo!).
4. WTF do children and women and for that matter innocent mean need to be killed, on either side. Get your fighters on the field with swords and have yerselves a good ol' fashioned gorefest but FFS, keep the Goddamned kids and ladies out of it.

I'm not for or against either side; they both have good points. My point is, why can't we all just get along.

My suggestions, for what they're worth (probably nothing - many people smarter than I have worked on this):
1. Israel. Stop bombing Palestine. Achieving nothing. You're surrounded by Arab states. My guess is
a) they're getting angry. Really angry.
b) Israel. You're stoking, and I mean rrrreally stoking, militant/mujihadeen fuel. Not helpful.
2. Hamas. Accept Israeli state. Period. Stop the shelling.
3. Israel. Smother these people with love. I mean it. Give them power and internet (solar power please). Stock their hospitals. Ship in food. Water. Build their schools up (UN administered to ensure non militant curriculum). This will take ages but you could ensure the next generation of Palestinians only know about Israeli kindness - "but father I don't hate the Israelis. Why would I bomb them. They help us so much."

Sorry for the rant. It just makes me SO SAD. Killing bad, m'kay?

Maybe sling some money to the Red Crescent to help out.

Sorry, we at Heresy care. We're not here just to sell things and save the planet and make killer stuff. In fact, I'd gratefully never sell ANYTHING again if it stopped this mindless slaughter.

Rant off.

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